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This video has so much goodness in

This video has so much goodness in it: a short Bollywood-esque production featuring Daleks and the Tardis and then Kevin Smith arriving at an event flanked by a bunch of Stormtroopers, Boba Fett, and Anakin Skywalker. “Stormtroopers, keep it tight, we gotta move.” I wonder if he always travels that way and if so, does he fly business class while the Stormtroopers are stuck in coach? (I assume Boba Fett has miles and can upgrade most of the time.)

Update: I really like the idea that the Stormtroopers, after the fall of the Empire in Return of the Jedi, are this giant unemployed workforce who occasionally find work chauffeuring Kevin Smith about.

Interviewer: Ok, tell me about your past work experience.

Stormtrooper: Most recently, I flanked Kevin Smith.

Good. What else?

Um, I was in the room when Lord Vader choked an Admiral.

Wow! Right next to Vader?

Well, no. He choked him over the video screen and I was in the room with the Admiral. But it was still pretty cool.
