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This site is made possible by member support. โค๏ธ

Big thanks to Arcustech for hosting the site and offering amazing tech support.

When you buy through links on, I may earn an affiliate commission. Thanks for supporting the site! home of fine hypertext products since 1998.

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Help me out

You like to help, right? Sure you do. Here’s how you can help Jason out in three easy steps:

1. First, determine whether or not your Twin Cities-based company needs a full-time professional Web designer with lots of experience and talent. If yes, continue on to step 2. If no, ask your friends, neighbors, relatives, etc. You gotta know someone.

2. Go check out my online resume/portfolio located at:

3. Give me a call or drop me an email. It’s that simple.

Remember folks: helping is fun for the whole family!