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The Star War$ and £ego universe

Now that I have a 5-year-old, I pay attention to things like Star Wars branded Lego sets. And they are a rip off. Why are these little plastic bricks so expensive? The cheapest set I can find is $7, most of the minifigs are more expensive than that, many sets are a few hundred dollars, and the most expensive sets are the price of a used car: there’s a Lego Star Destroyer for $1600 and a Lego Millenium Falcon for $3400.

Now get off my lawn!

Update: Ah, the Star Destroyer and Millenium Falcon are discontinued and collectable, that’s why they are thousands of dollars. Original prices were $300-500. It’s so difficult to tell these things on Amazon when you’re old and crotchety and and and wait, where are my pants? (thx, everyone)

Update: Why are Legos so expensive? Because each brick has to fit perfectly with every other brick ever made. (thx, @johnhutch)